This was my first Tiffany style angel window. I had been studying the glass techniques of Tiffany studios for many years, and have actually done conservation to several of his windows. My challenge was to have the same feel of a Tiffany, but use different techniques to achieve a look that is all Castle Studio. The clouds are painted on the back so that it is softened by looking through the opalescent glass first. The wings are cut and back painted with a glass made to mimic Tiffany glass commonly used in the wings. The inscription on the bottom was made with sandblasting the letters onto blue/teal flashed glass. The robes are not drapery glass, just painted to look angelic. All in all, I am quite pleased with the result, and did not just make a Tiffany look a like.
Stained glass Tiffany style angel, St. Peters, State College, Pa

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